Rabu, 31 Maret 2010


Rock Guano phosphate
made from mineral mountains and environmental friendly. Directly taken rock guano phosphate from the caves. There are a abundance source of rock guano phosphat in indonesia especially in east javanese province. Guano from Madura Island was wellknown as the best quality of GUANO at all of the world, and so do of other places at east javanese province, as at gresik, tuban, and bojonegoro. Natural fertilizer is composition of soil's nutrition . Having contents of Phosphate (P205) since 10% , 15%, 18%, 23%up etc and included bat droppings . With Rock Guano Phosphate making it helpful for plants growth especially towards the flowering, fruiting and vegetables.
Our natural fertilizer with rock guano phosphate no other added chemical ingredients but
100 % is pure and natural. It is can be applied in all kinds of cultivation especially fruits, flowers and vegetables.

Advantage of using Natural fertilizer rock guano phosphate :

· Increase the crop

· Neutralizing pH of acid soil

· Balancing pH (acidity) of soil

· Grow more root, longer and bigger

· Freshen the plant

· Increase the sweet taste of fruit

· Increase the amount and size of fruit

· Improve the fruit color, become more attractive

· Improve result of crop.

· Improve medium and plant productivity

· Overcoming symptom of organic matter deficiency

· Ready to be absorbed by medium (soil)

· Reduce the transport cost

· Non toxic and not dry the plant

· Can be utilized for any type of plant and any medium (soil)


Give Healthy Soil with Phosphate Guano Fertilizers HOME NEWS GUANO The 100% Natural Organic Soil Amendment The word guano originated from the Quichua language of the Inca civilization and means "the droppings of sea birds". It is a misnomer to refer to bat dung as guano. As the word is used today, guano describes both bat and sea bird manure. The most famous guano was that used by the Inca. The guano would collect on the rainless islands and coast of Peru. Atmospheric conditions insured a minimal loss of nutrients. There is very little leaching of valuable material, nor is there a considerable loss of nitrogenous matter. For this the Inca would guard and regulate the treasured soil enricher. Access to the guano deposits were restricted to chosen caretakers. Disrupting the rookeries could result in punishment by death. Guano became a very important part of the development of agriculture in these United States. During the peak of the guano era, drastic steps were taken to maintain a supply for the U.S. farmer. "On August 18, 1856, Congress passed an act to authorize protection to be given to citizens of the United States who may discover guano, under which any citizen of the United States was authorized to take possession of and occupy any unclaimed island, rock or key containing guano. The discoverers of such islands were entitled to exclusive rights to the deposits thereon, but the guano could only be removed for the use of the citizens of the United States."Nutrients in guano are as different as there are a variety of producers, food sources and environmental constraints. Sea birds eat strictly small fish and are not scavengers. Bat guano is available from one species that thrives on fruit, while another feasts on insects. Guano can be fresh, semi-fossilized or fossilized and will be a factor, among others, on the nutrient content when used. Guano is provided in the ready to use condition, thoroughly aged to the vintage state of a good natural fertilizer. Guano can be used inside or outdoors for all living plants. Guano supplies fast and slow release nutrients to the biological system. Apply the pure guano in smaller amounts than ordinary barnyard or poultry manure. Applied as a top dressing and worked into the soil or mixed with water and applied, guano will have a dramatic influence. Hydroponic growers, in contrast to normal fertilization, are finding that guano and water are a natural alternative to chemical solutions. Use nitrogen guano for growth, phosphorus guano for budding and all guano for your plants general health and well being. Guano can be blended with topsoil before laying sod or grass seed and while planting trees and shrubs. Add guano to your container growing mix for a supercharged potting soil. For more information on bats and their importance to our ecosystems, please visit Bat Conservation International by clicking here.



Keberadaan kelelawar bagi kita sudah bukan binatang asing lagi. Mamalia dari ordo Chiroptera yang bisa terbang ini memang mempunyai perbedaan dan kekhasan tersendiri dibanding binatang terbang lain, misalnya burung. Kelelawar mempunyai dua tangan layaknya binatang lain. Tangan yang digunakan untuk aktifitas memegang benda tersebut berkembang menjadi sayap. Kelelawar terbang dengan mengandalkan frekuensi suara. Namun pada tulisan kali ini bukan masalah gelombang suara yang akan kita bincangkan. Biarlah masalah gelombang suara dibahas oleh ahlinya. Kita akan membincangkan sisi lain dari kelelawar yang terlupakan namun kalau mau kita manfaatkan tentu akan mendatangkan manfaat yang besar. Keberadaan kelelwar bagi ekosistem memang tidak bisa kita pandang sebelah mata. Lihatlah pada keseimbangan alam dinegeri kita tercinta ini. Kelelawar mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting. Hamper setiap malam kelelawar mencari makan dari buah-buahan dan dari buah-buahan yang dimakan tersebut kelelawar memancarkan biji-biji buah tersebut keberbagai lokasi yang jaraknya berkilo-kilo meter. Sebagai penyerbuk tanaman yang bernilai ekonomis, mulai dari jambu, duwet, ace, petai, kapuk, keluwih, cendana dan lain sebagainya. Satu lagi yang tak kalah hebatnya. Kotoran kelelawar ternyata juga bisa menjadi pupuk yang sangat bagus. Karena kotoran kelelawar khususnya yang hidup digua-gua yang ada di Indonesia mengandung senyawa organik. Kotoran kelelawar yang dalam dunia pertanian disebut pupuk guano mengandung nitrogen, fosfor dan potassium sangat bagus untuk mendukung pertumbuhan, merangsang akar dan pembungaan serta kekuatan batang tanaman. Kotoran kelelawar yang sudah mengendap lama dalam dasar gua akan bercampur dengan tanah dan bakteri pengurai. Pupuk seperti inilah yang saat ini sedang dicari sebagai pengganti pupuk dari bahan kimia. Selain lebih ramah lingkungan juga tidak mengandung efek lain yang ditimbulkan. Anda ingin mencoba. Saat ini telah banyak tersedia dipasaran khususnya di tempat penjual tanaman hias dan pupuk di kota anda. Info selengkapnya.......klik.......... (see more)

GUANO by wikipedia

Guano (from the Quechua 'wanu', via Spanish) is the excrement (feces and urine) of seabirds, bats, and seals. Guano manure is an effective fertilizer and gunpowder ingredient due to its high levels of phosphorus and nitrogen and also its lack of odor. Superphosphate made from guano is used for aerial topdressing. Soil that is deficient in organic matter can be made more productive by addition of this manure.

• 1 Composition

• 2 History

• 3 Sourcing

• 4 Properties


Guano consists of ammonia, along with uric, phosphoric, oxalic, and carbonic acids, as well as some earth salts and impurities. Guano also has a high concentration of nitrates.
Currently vast volumes of phosphorus are needed to produce fertilizer, as it is an essential plant macronutrient. Guano is rich in phosphorus and is an intensely effective phosphorus fertilizer.


The word "guano" originates from the Quichua language of the Inca civilization and means "the droppings of sea birds". Incas collected guano from the coast of Peru for use as soil enricher. The Incas assigned great value to guano, restricting access to it and punishing any disturbance to the birds with death.
Guano has been harvested over several centuries along the coast of Peru, where islands and rocky shores have been sheltered from humans and predators. The Guanay Cormorant has historically been the most important producer of guano; its guano is richer in nitrogen than guano from other seabirds. Other important guano producing species off the coast of Peru are the Peruvian Pelican and the Peruvian Booby. In November 1802, Alexander von Humboldt studied guano and its fertilizing properties at Callao in Peru, and his subsequent writings on this topic made the subject known in Europe.
The high concentration of nitrates also made guano an important strategic commodity. The War of the Pacific (1879 to 1883) between the Peru-Bolivia alliance and Chile was primarily based upon Bolivia's attempt to tax Chilean guano harvesters and over control of a part of the Atacama Desert that lies between the 23rd and 26th parallels on the Pacific coast. The discovery during the 1840s of the use of guano as a fertilizer and saltpeter as a key ingredient in explosives made the area strategically valuable.In this context the US passed the Guano Islands Act in 1856 giving citizens discovering a source of guano the right to take possession of unclaimed land and entitlement to exclusive rights to the deposits. However, the guano could only be removed for the use by citizens of the United States. This enabled US citizens to take possession of unoccupied islands containing guano.
By the end of the 19th century, the importance of guano declined with the rise of artificial fertiliser, although guano is still used by organic gardeners and farmers


The ideal type of guano is found in exceptionally dry climates, as rainwater drains the guano of nitrates. Guano is harvested on various islands in the Pacific Ocean (for example, the Chincha Islands) and in other oceans (for example, Juan de Nova Island and Christmas Island). These islands have been home to mass seabird colonies for many centuries, and the guano has collected to a depth of many metres. In the 19th century, Peru was famous for its supply of guano.
Bat guano is usually mined in caves and this mining is associated with a corresponding loss of troglobytic biota and diminishing of biodiversity. Guano deposits support a great variety of cave-adapted invertebrate species, which rely on bat faeces as their sole nutrient input. In addition to the biological component, deep guano deposits contain local paleoclimatic records in strata that have built up over thousands of years, which are unrecoverable once disturbed.
The greatest damage caused by mining to caves with extant guano deposits is to the bat colonies themselves. Bats are highly vulnerable to regular disturbance to their roosts. Some species, such as Phyllonycteris aphylla, have low fat reserves, and will starve to death when regularly disturbed and put into a panic state during their resting period. Many species will drop pups when in panic, with subsequent death, leading to a steady reduction in population. Research in Jamaica has shown that mining for bat guano is directly related to the loss of bat species, associated invertebrates and fungi, and is the greatest threat to bat caves on the island.


In agriculture and gardening guano has a number of uses, including as: soil builder, lawn treatment, fungicide (when fed to plants through the leaves), nematicide (decomposing microbes help control nematodes), and as composting activator (nutrients and microbes speed up decomposition).

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