Selasa, 07 September 2010

Marine Phosphate (MP)

MP is a natural phosphate fertiliser originated from Marine Phosphate Ore. MP is a product of the decomposition of: accumulated sea birds droppings, carcasses, shells, animal bones,

fish and seaweed.
The Citric Soluble part of MP will be available for the plants uptake after applying to the soil.
The rest of P is slowly released and this function is vital to ensure maximum yield. The constant slow release of P in MP cannot be found in any chemically treated Phosphate such as Super Phosphate or Triple Superphosphate. This is why using MP results in more harvest and less nitrogen requirement.

Special Features - Absorption Temperature
Plants absorb MP very effectively as phosphoric acid contained in MP can be absorbed at a lower temperature compared to other phosphoric acid fertilizers.

The table below contains information on the temperature at which MP is absorbed, its absorption rate and fixation rate

The Benefit Of Marine Phosphate

Suitable for any soil type

Phosphorus (P) is a vital element for plants to achieve maximum yield. MP is tested to be effective in acid, neutral and alkaline soil.

MP has a quick & slow release P (Phosphate) component,

both vital to achieve maximum harvest. Superphosphate and rock phosphate has only fast or slow release effect, ideally used in combination. With MP, farmers can rest assured that plants will always have enough P supply as needed, ensuring maximum harvest.

MP is rich in minerals (micronutrients).

Micronutrients are just as essential as macronutrients, but needed in a smaller quantity. MP is also high in Coral Calcium and Silica. Calcium gives liming effect, thus reducing soil acidity. Silica helps increase plants strength against pests & diseases.

MP is also a soil conditioner!

Healthy soil contains more than 250,000 types of microorganism, nowadays probably only 5,000 left on a typical farm. Microorganism makes the absorption of fertilisers possible. After years of exposure to chemical fertilisers, farmers question why harvest decreases each year even though more & more NPK fertilisers is applied. MP increases the population of microorganism! Organic carbon: food to microorganism is present at MP. Four beneficial microorganisms are also found in MP, adding to the population.

MP has low fixation rate & leaching

Being 100% natural fertiliser, MP does not react as quickly as the chemical P fertilisers, thus fixation rates is minimal. The higher the fixation rate, the greater amount of P fertiliser required to raise P level in the soil. With chemical P, it is acknowledged that 75-80% P will not be available for plant’s uptake.

MP helps nitrogen absorptions

Urea is used in a very large quantity in farming. Undigested nitrogen results in weaker plants, bad tasting crops, and produce that go bad quickly. MP helps the absorption of nitrogen thus reducing the amount of undigested nitrogen.

What makes MP (Marine Phosphate) one of the best choice is;
  1. Easy to use- use only once a season application. (due it’s low leaching and low fixation)
  2. Economical- MP being 100% natural does not leach easily in heavy rain situation nor easily reacts with soils minerals such as Al, Ca, Mg, Mn.
  3. Citric Soluble part of MP is available for the plant directly after applying to the soil.
  4. Constant Phosphate feeding- there are many reasons why this is crucial;
  5. A. When Phosphate (P) is constantly available such as in our MP, Nitrogen absorption is better. Thus, less urea use. In fact, some of our trials proof urea can be reduced when using MP 
    B. Longer roots- phosphate is crucial for growth! The fact that part of our MP is always plants available makes plants healthier and results in better quality produce

  6. 30% coral calcium and 10% silica content (may be vary due its natural origin)

  7. Containing micro nutrients

  8. MP increases soil beneficial fungus population. Soil with a long history of chemical fertilisers use is normally low in beneficial fungus, thus; calcium in soil is not retained and soil is full of fungal diseases.

Negative Effects on Chemical Phosphate

The negative effect of Superphosphate and Ammonium Phosphate: Water soluble phosphoric acid contained in ammonium phosphate and Superphosphate reacts extremely quickly with iron, aluminium, manganese, magnesium and other components found in soil and changes to insoluble phosphoric acid, ferric phosphate, aluminium phosphate, manganese phosphate and hardens. This degrades soil and reduces soil productivity.

Chemically treated fertilisers quickly reduce the balance and the population
of soils microorganism.

Our experience have shown that the use of 40 kg of MAP
(mono ammonium phosphate) & DAP (DI AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE) will need to be balanced by using approximately 100 & 150 kg lime to reduce the acidity caused.

On the contrary, the release of phosphorus in  MP  consumes acids in the soil due its calcium content, thereby reducing soil’s acidity. Not to mention the free calcium carbonate (CaCO3) that can act as a liming agent in its own right.

Interesting Point of Knowledge

  • Superphosphate fertilizers decrease the pH around the fertilizer granules resulting in the precipitation of P as iron and aluminium phosphates. Thus, acidity is a common problem related to the use of this soluble fertilisers
  • Ammonium phosphates decrease the soil pH mainly due to the conversion of ammonium to nitrate and the subsequent depletion of basic cations due to nitrate leaching. Thus, acidity is a common problem related to the use of this soluble fertilisers
  • The dissolution of Reactive Phosphates (insoluble P) such as MP causes a liming action in soils. This reduces soil acidity and increases soil productivity
  • When soluble P fertilizers are added, the concentration of P in soil solution decreases with increasing period of contact with soils (soluble fertilisers have high fixation rate of an average of 80%)
  • Continuous addition of P soluble fertilizers has resulted in a huge build up in soil reserve P. It is predicted that less than one kg P per year is available once P is locked up. That is why soluble P (DAP, MAP, SSP, TSP) is very non –economical.
  • MP is a much more economical fertiliser since fixation rate is minimal
  • There is a potential for unlocking this reserve P through normal agricultural practices and thereby fertilizer input can be reduced. The use of MP helps unlocking soil P build up (since it enhances microbial activity)
  • In some soils liming has been shown to enhance the solubilization of soil reserve P and thereby increase the amount of plant available P in the soil.
  • Similarly the addition of acid forming fertilizers and biological soil amendments has the potential to release the soil reserve P. MP is one effective solution for this matter.
  • The extent of solubilization of soil reserve P depends on soil and climatic conditions and the nature of the amendments used.
  • MP increases the population of soils microorganism thus increasing soils’ productivity through allowing better absorption of fertilisers that is added to soil and locked up inside the soil
  • MP ensures all year round available P due to its slow release P component. This is not available if using soluble fertilisers. Thus, MP helps increase production.
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